Education is the Gift of a Lifetime

Southside Programs for Adult Continuing Education provides adult education classes to adults 18 years of age and older in each of the localities listed.  We provide comprehensive assessments of reading, math and language skills, basic skills instruction, high school equivalency instruction (GED®), English language acquisition for English language learners (ESL), workforce preparation activities, integrated education and training, and customized workplace classes.  Classes are FREE of charge and students may enroll at any time. We serve the Counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry and Sussex and the Cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, Hopewell and Petersburg.

FREE Adult Education classes begin September 9, 2024.  Virtual and in-person classes are available.

For more information call (804) 733-2670.

A FREE* CNA class is scheduled for September 2024 at Petersburg High School. For more information contact Cheryl Perkins at FOR THE CNA CLASS IS CLOSED.  Go to for information about healthcare classes.  

Dinwiddie, Prince George, Emporia, and Chesterfield Technical Center are open for GED testing.  Schedule a test session at

Emporia/Greensville Residents - Public transportation is available in Emporia for $1 per ride from Greensville Emporia Transit.

Try a FREE GED Practice Test.

Visit to register for the GED test or to take a GED Ready practice test.

View the VAACE video Adult Education Works!


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6610 Commons Drive, Suite 101
Prince George, VA 23875
Phone: 804-733-2670
Fax: 804-733-2673
Toll-Free: 1-800-321-6081